Societal Influences

Richard H. von Gremmler

   Living in my simple little world of dogma, I construe the design formulated by today’s society as a terribly cruel joke.  To truly grasp and comprehend the validity of the present system is to acknowledge the fact that something is appallingly warped.  To discount and deny the prevailing dynamics, and failing to digest the realism of what is genuinely transpiring, and to rationalize that everything is well and alive, and everyone is pulling together as a unified and sharing populace, is just plain stupid!   
   This deterioration within society has been so gradual and insidious; everyone is oblivious to the actuality that they we are being cultivated learning to be content with this transformation.  What has been imparted as reflecting the norm as typical has become atypical.  My opinion is that society has been degenerating ever since we had first gained our independence in 1776.
   It appears as if everyone is floundering about in life, with his or her head positioned within a dark and dank orifice, rationalizing to himself or herself that the system is conducive for his or her well-being.  And no one even considers questioning whether they are truly happy, or if they are just running on survival mode.  And to add to this lunacy, the individuals they coexist with obviously must have similar dispositions, as it would be unbearably discomforting for them to be exposed to someone who might have his or her head on straight and exposed to daylight.  
   For those blessed with a healthy degree of self-awareness and self-confidence, these fortunate few will appear abnormal compared to the emotionally dormant masses that have integrated into society’s ranks.  In other words, these substandard individuals, according to society’s ideologies, are considered anti-social, which in a sense is accurate.  But these individuals are actually anti-society, not anti-people, and are unable to join society’s conventions because of the unrealistic dogmas, as should they, they would be committing psychological suicide by sacrificing their genuine identities.
     But it’s not that the anti-society individuals have an aversion toward the conventional socialized individuals, but actually feel empathy for them.  And since everyone resents being condescended to, whereby begrudging anyone who has not been abnormally socialized.  Whereas, those individuals incompatible with society’s demands and expectations will be ostracized by the majority, which is actually a blessing.  On a conscious level, there will be antipathy toward the uncomplicated and self-assured independent beings, but subliminally, they will be revered.
   This creates a division between the authentic individuals (realists) and the socialized individuals (rationalists).  Individuals living within the realm of reality (realists) will experience minimal stress, as they have the freedom of expression, and are not inclined to adhere to society’s conspiracy.  But with the rationalists, they will always be apprehensive when around one another, because of their wariness of his or her unauthentic identity (personality).
   My reason for finding society’s scheme so intriguing is that, this is the greatest challenge we could ever entertain; remaining emotionally secure and independent, while seeking greater personal emotional growth and awareness, and preventing our soul from becoming contaminated by the governing masses.  This challenge creates a conflict, wherein, everyone is expected to join an unbelievably disturbed system, whereby joining a questionable society and sacrificing his or her freedom and genuine identity, or, discounting society, and becoming ostracized, of which I have succeeded and find very amusing.  I equate society with a zoo, except observing socialized humans.
   Most entities have been indoctrinated (brain washed) to follow a predesigned path, which is professed to provide happiness, love and everlasting joy, if they perform according to society’s regimen.  And should anyone rebel against these doctrines, they are considered as agitators and misfits (again, me). 
   I am extremely anti-society, and have no respect or admiration for society’s unfeasible expectations.  I have been very fortunate in that, my parents and relatives have always provided me the freedom and positive reinforcement to express my personal opinions and pursue any endeavors I should choose, regardless of society’s attempt to retard my concentrations.  Fortunately I have never had the need or desire to join and become part of this dysfunctional fraternity.
   My opinion on this particular subject matter relative to religion is, what if the respective parishioners were actually praying for God to free them from their sins (conduct) and suffering related to adhering to society’s objectives?  I have written about how I believe Heaven, Purgatory and Hell exist in the here and now, and not the hereafter, in one of my other blogs.
   Observe (emotionally feel) closely at everyone in today’s society, and how so many are miserable.  Some may function with a smile on his or her face, but what transpires beneath the surface?  Why else do we have needs for drugs, alcohol and other escape devices?  And has religion become one of the escape mechanisms for some?  And again, we can only fool other socialized individuals (fools), whereby creating an unbelievable reciprocity.  And this is why I view society as a zoo; and the performance is free!
                                                                EDITING REQUIRED

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