Friday, October 24, 2014

The Actuality of Reality

The Actuality of Reality
Richard H. von Gremmler

   The term “reality” is customarily referred as how we interpret and choose to identify certain circumstances as reality.  This can be very misleading, as the actuality of an individual’s genuine reality, dependent on his or her respective stress threshold, may be totally remote from this misconception; with the authenticity actually restricted within the subconscious or unconscious inner-Self.  (Refer to my blog on Consciousness/Subconscious/Unconscious inner-Self)
   The majority of individuals in today’s society are resolute that they are unequivocally sensitive of their exclusive world of reality, whereby considering it normal for everyone to embrace his or her own unique reality.  This would be very convenient if it were that simple.  But unfortunately, there is only one true and genuine reality; and this exemplifies everyone!    
   This delusion begins from the time we are infants; through clandestine (unconscious inner-Self) emotional dynamics, which manipulate us to restrict our consciousness from experiencing the reality of particular critical complications of duress; resulting because of respective stress-producing situations (stressors) we may have experienced and are incapable of confronting.  (Refer to my article on Stress/Anger Conflicts)
   It’s quite normal to unsuspectingly deviate from experiencing various conflicting feelings, which are out of harmony while nursing our needs to experience only comforting feelings and thought processes.  And this is when our emotional needs will lead us awry.  With the assistance of our ego-defense mechanisms, we will only perceive what we have needs to believe as accurate, rather than possessing inner-emotional awareness, whereby defining the actuality of the specific situation for its authenticity.  (Refer to my blogs on Ego-Defense Mechanisms, and Emotional Needs)
   The difficulty arises with our consciousness of Self-awareness; whereby, our ability with being capable of adequately determining and accepting the actuality of critical circumstances, or, the inability with accepting reality of such.  Because of our emotional needs and overpowering ego-defense mechanisms, and the stressors responsible, it’s nearly impossible to properly evaluate and determine the actual reality, and not as we need to believe.  We will actually misrepresent the genuineness of the respective culprit, whereby distorting the situation to be or appear as something other than for what it truly is.
   And again, the key element here is, Self-awareness.  As long as we have emotional needs and are sustainable with consciously surviving in denial (ego-defenses), we will always be predisposed to avoid facing our genuine world of reality.  The problem being though, this dismissal may provide us with immediate gratification and falsifying, as an emotional safeguard, but the stress-producing situation will still exist, except secreted within a different level of our psyche.
   What occurs is, should we fail to accept the reality of a specific stressor, the elucidation of this particular element will either be suppressed into the subconscious, or repressed into the unconscious inner-Self. 
   Within the subconscious, less stressful thought processes will be consciously processed and suppressed at our discretion, and will be restricted from observation only on a temporary basis, whereby illuminating into consciousness periodically.  Considering the unconscious inner-Self, this incorporates the more critical stress situations of which we are totally unaware of, whereby being repressed without our conscious awareness.
   The significant factor here is that, with the subconscious, since the stressor is not permanently removed from consciousness, we will have opportunities to resolve and eliminate the respective stressor.  Whereby, with repression of criteria, this information is recessed into the psyche without our conscious awareness, and with the information becoming totally lost from consciousness.
   Thus, the criteria contained within the unconscious inner-Self become the hidden treasure of our displaced reality.  And all of this information is what formulates an individual’s unique personality.  This is why most of us walk around in life aimlessly searching for that unknown phenomenon, “the actuality of reality.”   
                                  Editing and Supplemental Material Required

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Philosophic Notes

                                     3/1/14 PHILOSOPHICAL NOTES  
   CONTROL:  It’s impossible for someone to have total control over his or her emotions.
   REBELLION:  The only time we will rebel against certain others is, because of our vulnerability to them.
   PSYCHE:  To explore one’s psyche will be very traumatic.  This entails seeking and searching into the world of the unknown.  The psyche will always discriminate which thought processes it will allow into the conscious mind.
   NEEDS:  The success with experiencing happiness is, feeling special with oneself, and without needs for an audience.
   SELF-AWARENESS--Before we can ever achieve peace within ourselves, we must first be able to live in moderation.
   GROWTH:  Everyone has different levels (thresholds) of emotional growth.
   STRESS:  If we fail resolving various stressors throughout our lives, our denial of the various stress situations will increase to the same degree.
   LOVE:  No one is truly ugly, unless internally.
   LOVE:  The disco queen’s are not lesbians, whereas the women who turn to lesbianism are displeased and bored with most men in today’s society.  But would this select group of women be beneficial for men?
   SELF-AWARENESS:  True confessions for oneself must entail genuine introspection and examination of one’s guilt (sins).  With truly experiencing the dynamics of the guilt, and resolving the respective stressor; only then can an individual be absolved.  This will also serve as a catalyst, wherein when approaching to commit the same (or similar) sin again; an individual will consciously experience stress.  Therefore, a practioner of faith cannot absolve others of their sins; only the sinner can.
   DEPENDENCY:  One means with taking advantage of others is, by allowing them to take advantage of us, but for our benefit; dependency.
   FORGIVING:  We will never be able to forgive ourselves unless we have learned how to share and give to others.
   LOVE:  If we are subliminally positive to others and they react negatively, they have genuine negative personalities.
   LOVE:  The only time we can ever be upset with others is, when we have emotional needs for them.  How could we be upset with those we don’t need? 
   LOVE:  The more beautiful and attractive the individual, the possibilities with having lasting relationships are greatly diminished.
   MISC.:  To fear appearing foolish is foolish; it’s better to appear foolish than be a fool.
   GROWTH:  Maturity is the acceptance and security with our immaturity.
   SELF-AWARENESS:  If we are comfortably secure; why the desire to achieve Self-awareness?
   NEEDS:  I believe one of the greatest difficulties in life is, being able to give up a healthy and secure chapter and to move on to another chapter.  But this is very necessary for our emotional growth.  To remain in the same chapter in life is, to procrastinate.  Once we find ourselves comfortable and believing we’re genuinely happy, we may be reluctant to motivate ourselves from seeking greater goals, fearing leaving our comfort zone, because of our losing our contentment.
   GUILT:  It’s impossible to convince ourselves to be positive when we feel sad. We may rationalize and act out, but the reason for the sadness will still be with us.  And also, as a result of our pretention, and by not attempting to resolve the issues creating the sadness, this will create guilt; thereby, not only will we have guilt for not pursuing and resolving the problem (stressor), but also for acting out and pretending being happy, when we are really sad; again lying to ourselves.  
   DEPENDENCY:  To be secure with oneself is, to be independent of influences from others.    
   DEPENDENCY:  It seems everyone is dependent on external stimuli, rather than learning how to become dependent him or herself (independent).
   CLASSICAL CONDITIONING:  Reconditioning = transfer conditioning.  Reconditioning is equated to diversion.
   REBELLION:  To rebel is to compete with others.
   BARRIERS:  It’s extremely difficult understanding what may be bothering us until after this something is resolved.
   MISC.:  It’s important for me to know I know; not for others to know I know that I know.
   LOVE:  Did God create the “change of life” for women to serve as a test of the genuineness of true love between mates?
   NEEDS:  One of the greatest assets in life is, not having needs for external assets. 
   BARRIERS:  When we prevaricate to others, we will then lie to ourselves (barriers) that we didn’t lie.  This is one reason why most individuals walk around confused and emotionally disoriented, rather than having a clear and uncomplicated conscious mind.
   LOVE:  At times when we experience a very romantic moment, we’ll do almost anything to lock in this moment. 
   STRESS:  It’s as important to determine what makes us feel good, as what makes us feel sad.  Even experiencing happiness can be confusing.
   THE SEARCH:  The conflicts that arise with most individuals have to do with their lack of simplicity (self-awareness).  Also, everybody has different thresholds of simplicity.  And simplicity is synonymous with emotional awareness.
   CONTROL:  Individuals with the greater needs will be less capable with understanding the needs of others.  And the individuals with lesser needs will almost always be the ones controlling the individuals with greater needs; thus being able to control and manipulate their emotions.
  PASSIVE/AGGRESSIVE:  Passive/aggressive individuals will normally appear humble but are actually passive. The only time they are aggressive is when they are pushed to their threshold or verbally abused.   This is when the aggressions are activated as a defense mechanism.  Or in some instances, when a passive individual is pushed to their threshold, they may isolate within themselves.
  PASSIVE/AGGRESSIVE:  Humble/aggressive individuals are truly humble, because of their self-confidence and comfort with being aggressiveness, and not fearing to protect themselves from external threats.  Because of this inner-protection (potential to be aggressive), they are genuinely humble and assertive.
   PSYCHE:  If you do not totally agree with a specific theory or philosophy, totally challenge it. 
   SUPPRESSION:  Others cannot suppress us; only we will suppress ourselves.
   CONDITIONING:  Addiction can only occur as a result of unconscious classical conditioning. 
   CONDITIONING:  As a result of extreme classical conditioning, we will be learning (conditioning) to rationalize to ourselves to trust only those whom we have extreme needs for, thereby, serving as our superiors or mentors. Whereby, we are actually being sucked into a web of dependency and isolation.
   FEELINGS:  We will never appreciate the dynamics of our emotional experiences unless we have fully understood and resolved them.
   SELF:  The more aware and secure we become with ourselves, the more alone we will become.  Conversely, the less aware we are, the lonelier we will become.  What occurs is that, we will fear being alone, whereby inhibiting our emotions from acknowledging to ourselves and others the genuine personalities, and then will end up with only superficial relationships, thus not being alone; but extremely lonely.  Many individuals experience fear with being lonely (not alone), thereby restricting and inhibit themselves from becoming more aware to prevent being alone. 
   FEELING:  Subliminal feelings are always pervasive.
   NEEDS:  The need not to believe an untruth; could this become a want?
   NEEDS:  The need to believe an untruth; could this become a want?
   STRESS:  Vortex; implosion of emotions.
   SUPPRESSION:  Nobody can suppress us; we will always suppress ourselves.
   LOVE:  If anybody is ever interested in anything other than for your inner-beauty; i.e. physical beauty, wealth, status, etc., run like Hell!
   SUPPRESSION:  To yield or submit to oneself or others is negative.  To agree or debate is positive.  To care for oneself is to not give-in to others; to not care for oneself or others is to give-in.
   GIVING:  Everyone must be honest with others, but only if asked.
   DEPENDENCY:  We are conditioned to trust others rather than trusting ourselves; thus eventually becoming dependent on their emotional security or insecurities.
  SELF:  Miracles can be both positive and negative in appearance, thus they must be evaluated. 
   CONSCIOUS MIND:  Only the conscious mind will lie to us; the unconscious is always truthful.
   MISC.:  Friends of my enemies are my enemy; enemies of my friends are my enemy.
   LOVE:  I believe what destroys most relationships is, for the couples not supporting one other; by their failing to experience emotionally traumatic situations together.  Whereas, those who are capable with sharing these experiences, this will assist and comfort them with their experiencing difficult situations in the future.  And also, of greater importance, this positive sharing will develop a greater sense of trust and security for both of them.
GIVING:  One scenario for an individual learning to become intimidated by others is, to retain everything they have expressed pertaining to themselves.  Because of this self-gratification behavior, they won’t be able to remember anything about what others have offered, thereby feeling uncomfortable for failing to remember previous communication; thereby self-intimidation.
   CONTROL AND MANIPULATION:  To argue with others is to attempt to prove a point that we are unsure of.  There must always be assertive and receptive dialogue.  Otherwise, the subject goes nowhere.  True dialogue entails two or more individuals expressing their personal views, and without demands or expectations.  Should all parties involved not arrive at an agreeable conclusion, the outcome is moot.  I compare arguing with being in a pissing contest with a skunk.
   DEPENDENCY:  To become dependent on independency = isolation.
   LOVE:  Love is never physical; true love will always be subliminal.
   SELF:  There are unbelievable hurdles to conquer before achieving Self-awareness.
   PARENTING:  Our youth must always be given the freedom to choose to question and learn to become circumspect with everyone.
   STRESS:  We can be empathetic toward someone, but only to the degree of the stress we have experienced ourselves involving a specific situation.
   LOVE:  Why does everyone waste the time and energy hoping to understand someone, when they should be capable with experiencing him or her in the beginning?
   NEEDS:  If I create a scenario where; if you need me to need you, then I will provide me for you to need you – thus fulfilling your needs, whereby you needing me to need you.
   LOVE:  We may love someone, not understanding the reasons why; experiencing positive feelings, but which cannot be described or emotionally understood.
   PARENTING:  One of the more frustrating situations we can encounter is, by attempting to interact with someone who doesn’t comprehend the emotional depth of what we’re expressing.  And this is especially true if it entails someone we think we love or have needs for.  And if the nonsensical diatribe continues, it will more than likely end up in an argument.
   BARRIERS and PSYCHE:  The process by which to rid ourselves of our prevailing complexities, which create our frustrations and stress, is to remove as much guilt as possible; whereby, opening up a direct line from the unconscious to the conscious mind.  The elimination of guilt will enable repressed thought processes to enter into the conscious mind, rather than allowing for the continuing accumulation of garbage.
   LOVE:  We can only be offended by those we need, but not by those we love.
   PSYCHE:  Freud feared himself.  He regarded everyone as a study.  But even though he labeled and identified everyone attempting to understand their ego-defenses, he had no understanding regarding his own barriers, he was never able to find and understand his own inner-Self.
   SECURITIES:  We will never become a positive and gracious winner, until we have learned how to become a good loser.
   SECURITIES:  One method by which to intimidate others is, to retain everything they express to you.  Interestingly, most individuals in the United States are extremely self-centered and will forget most everything you tell them, unless to their benefit, and that’s if they are even listening to you in the first place.  What this creates is, on an unconscious level though; those individuals who are inconsiderate of others will feel uncomfortable when in the presence of the ones who are considerate. 
  This phenomenon occurs because disrespect is negative.  And should someone not respond with similar feedback, this will place extreme stress on the selfish individual.  This in turn will generate guilt, with the guilty party more than likely choosing to isolate from these individuals, whereby associating only with those whom are also inconsiderate; i.e. misery loves company.
   UNCONSCIOUS:  Although the actions and behavior of individuals are thought to be understood in the conscious mind, the genuine reasons and assessment involving the “Why” is only identifiable in the unconscious.  In my opinion, the conscious mind actually contains very little emotional information (reality - 5%?), with approximately 95% of our thought processes being obscured.  The unconscious is where the remaining genuine emotional processes have been repressed and stored.  
   The information stored in the unconscious entails stress situations (stressors) that the conscious mind fears, whereby, unknowingly and unintentionally pushing (repressing) the reasons responsible for the stress, into the unconscious.  The ironic element of this scenario is that, even though the stress will be experienced in the conscious mind, the culprits responsible will be hidden within the unconscious. 
   And because of the incapacity with individual’s understanding their own personal genuine emotional processes, they will generally act and behave in accordance with the masses; those others in society.  This is why there are so many individuals in today’s society acting out and mimicking these individuals that they think they look up to because of their success and stardom, or whatever. 
   This is a “robotic” phenomenon, wherein, these individuals will actually adapt to the behaviors of others; rather than attempting to seek out and understand their own true identity.  It’s much less conflict and stress avoiding and denying, when we can just fall in line with everyone else by behaving physically rather than emotionally.
   EGO-DEFENSES:  If we encounter something that presents very little threat to our ego, it won’t be repressed.  Since everything we do in life will create stress for us, depending on the severity, will determine if we suppress or repress the respective stressor.
   FORGIVING:  The only time we will ever be upset with others is, if we are the cause or we need them.
   FORGIVING:  Whenever others offend someone, it is because of his or her own insecurities.
  ANGER:  If others should display anger toward us, we should never respond with anger.  We should wait for a period of time before explaining how they have hurt our feelings; whereby, allowing a period time for them to experience the stress resulting from their negative behavior.  By our bringing this negative behavior to their attention that, they are experiencing anguish because of their guilt, the understanding of why, and that their suffering will motivate them with working toward Self-awareness; thereby preventing their experiencing guilt in the future.
   We must be aware if the displaced anger toward us is as a result of our own behavior or not.  We must never reject the rejection from others, as if we should, we will also suffer from guilt. 
   Rejection begets rejection, and all of this unresolved negativism will engender ego-defenses, whereby we may never be able to retrace or understand the reasons for our anger.  Unfortunately, by not resolving current and existing stress situations, this will promote greater anger, which results because of the accumulating of our frustrations. 
   What happens is, each and every time we express anger, then we will suffer anxieties because of our guilt.  And if we fail with resolving the culprits responsible, we will become more and more frustrated and angry.  And to the extent of the accumulation of our guilt, will coincide with the level of our frustrations and anger.
   FEELINGS:  Feelings can become very confusing.  When we truly feel good about something, this is genuine.  Should we be unsure about our feelings, or feel negative about something, than it is negative.
   FEELINGS:  We will not be able to experience the depth of our emotions until we are capable with feeling our internal feelings.
   FEELINGS:  Experiencing emotional pain and suffering is far more relevant and positive than avoiding the dilemma responsible.
   FEELINGS:  It is imperative to feel how we feel, before we will ever understand our true feelings.
   FEELINGS:  If there is no genuine emotional fulfillment that derives from something we’ve pursued, the endeavor is fruitless.
   FEELINGS:  How can we not prejudge?  Everyone has experienced previous life endeavors, therefore, how can we not have subjective opinions of others?  The fun part of this scenario takes place when we are prejudging some else while they are prejudging us.
   FEELINGS:  Emotions are controlled through subliminal classical conditioning.
   FEELINGS:  While pursuing our genuine emotions, the stress can become overwhelming.  Whereas, failing to challenge our emotions will create guilt.  This in turn will result in guilt, and also contribute to the accumulation of greater stress and guilt.
   FEELINGS:  Everyone is always in search for comfort.  I’m not referring to the typical physical comforts, but emotional comforts (emotional escapes).  We will always go after unemotional pursuits that are much less stress than tackling something emotional.  The problem being, physical comforts will always be short-lived, whereas, emotional comforts will always remain within us.
   DREAMS:  I equate dreams with miracles; they will always depict something.  And also, being able to experience the depth of dreams is a miracle.  Both will appear either in positive or negative form and need to be interpreted, as there will always be a positive conclusion.  Miracles are consciously motivating, with awareness of them, while dreams express repressed emotional conflicts concealed within the unconscious.
   SEARCH FOR SELF:  We must be capable with feeling how we truly feel about something or someone, and not by what we consciously experience.  Our growth level can be observed and verified from our internal feelings and, the emotional feedback from others.  Some of these variables will include the following symptoms.
1.     We attract positive individuals.
2.     The greater the level of Self-awareness and inner security, the fewer (emotional) the relationships.  And this will also apply to our revelations; there will be fewer revelations but deeper intensity.
3.     We are distasteful to those with negative personalities.
4.     We’re able to accept our failures and insecurities, and utilize them to our benefit.
5.     We don’t feel angry or negative toward those who are negative to us.
6.     We achieve or accomplish something emotional that we want, and not need.
7.     We are happily pleased about something, and not manic.
8.     We want to help others, and with no obligations.
9.     We don’t compete with others.
10. Simple inexpensive things bring us pleasure.
 SECURITIES:   Depending to the degree individuals are secure or insecure with themselves, determines whether or not they pursue Self-awareness.  It’s an unfortunate conundrum, but those individuals having just a slight degree of security and believe they are comfortable with themselves, will not pursue emotional growth; since, why create stress for themselves when they’re content with where they presently are.  Whereas, if we’re not insecure enough, why disrupt our present world.
   NEEDS:  Financial, physical, educational and other so-called societal successes must be very gradual and emotional; otherwise these individuals will suffer from success neurosis.
   MISC.:   He, who walks alone, succeeds the greatest.
   NEEDS:   We must have achieved emotional security before we will ever be capable with being humble after succeeding in societal success.
   MISC.:   Metaphorical warning – alert; Confluence of events
   MISC:   Is it possible to be subjectively objective?  And is it possible to be emotionally objective?  Is it possible to be subliminally objective? 
   LOVE:   Is it possible to be loved by someone who has needs for us to need him or her?  Is it possible to love someone who has needs for us to need to love him or her?
   MISC:  If a high doesn’t last, the incident was unreal (superficial).


Monday, August 5, 2013

My Analysis on Psycho (Psyche) Analysis

 My Analysis on Psycho (Psyche) Analysis
Richard H. von Gremmler

    Throughout my countless years of studies and personal research; reveals Sigmund Freud to be one of the foremost prominent theorists; but most importantly, the founder of psychoanalysis.  As with other renowned theorists such as Jung, Erickson, Piaget, Pavlov, etc.; they were also equally inspired theorists; contributing significant philosophies that are similarly congruent and enlightening. 
   An important aspect about theories is that, the term implies subjective opinions and philosophies.  And the most important factor to always take into consideration; there is nothing mystical, or intellectually required, in order to understand the philosophical world; as everyone has the potential to become his or her own theorist, regardless of educational or socio-economic background. 
    Everything I comment on in my manuscript reveals my personal philosophies, which will coincide with other philosophical and psychological dogma, purported by the erudite academic world, which is quite normal since there is only one reality.  And the readers should always question and challenge my material; as again, the information is nothing more than my own personal theories.  
   I view psychoanalysis as a process, by which, someone having achieved self-awareness, would be capable with assisting others with the discovery of their latent desires and strife from within their unconscious inner-self; whereby illuminating the genuine reality of his or her true identity (personality).  (Refer to my blog on Consciousness/Subconscious/Unconscious inner-Self)
   This phenomenon, the unconscious inner-Self, has also been referred to as the Psyche, Soul, Self and other terms, but I will use the term unconscious inner-Self during my writings for simplification purposes.
   My belief is that it would beneficial for everyone to seek out the hidden forces within his or her unconscious inner-Self.  This would reveal the genuine inner-feelings and reasons responsible for any anxieties he or she might be experiencing.  Should we fail to moderate our stress levels, we could eventually reach a point where we may lose total contact with the world of reality.  (Refer to my blog on Stress/Anger Conflicts)
   This process would create additional stress for us, but once we have achieved some progress, the suffering we had experienced previously will have been relieved to a point of genuine positive feelings.  This reinforcement will then serve as a stimulus for us to pursue other hidden garbage that may have haunted us in the past.
   We must be courageous and determined with confronting our demons.    The process would require our seeking out and the willingness to reveal the culprits responsible for our anguish. But unfortunately for some, they may choose other alternatives; by just existing in the world of denial, or drowning themselves in mind-altering drugs.
   This formidable undertaking would necessitate the exploration and clarification of the unknown factors responsible for our emotional upheaval.  This would require retrieving hidden emotional criteria that had been repressed within the unconscious inner-Self, of which would be totally inaccessible from conscious observation, except through the assistance of an independent party possessing self-awareness.  What makes the unconscious inner-Self so intriguing is that, this emotional criterion is concealed without our knowledge, and cannot be visualized or logically defined by the conscious mind (consciousness).   
   There have been a myriad of theories and speculation presented and examined over the past centuries regarding this subject, demonstrating extreme subjective disparities (confusion?).  Most scholars will doggedly adhere to the dogma that everyone has his or her own personal reality, but this is totally unfounded; as there is only one true and genuine reality. 
   The difficulty arises in that; everyone will rationalize to himself or herself that he or she feels confident with the examination of his or her emotional world.  But in actuality, this will be totally dependent on the individual’s emotional tolerance level (threshold).  Whereby, we may be capable with consciously accepting and absorbing the reality of some situations, whereas with some of the more critical issues, we will rebel and deny their actual existence; while totally distorting the genuine defining factors of the experiences, identifying with them as we have a need to believe as reality.
   This is why most theorists believe everyone to possess his or her own reality, but this is only within consciousness, as the genuine reality of circumstances is hidden within the subconscious or the unconscious inner-Self.  And this is where ego-defense mechanisms (barriers) come into play; suppressing the lesser stress producing situations (stressors) into our subconscious, while repressing the more severe stressors, yet without conscious understanding, which are hidden within our unconscious inner-Self.  (Refer to my blog on Ego-Defense Mechanisms)
   This transformation transpires because of our lack of self-awareness and self-confidence when encountering certain challenges we might find as disturbing and are unable to cope with.  And again, depending on the severity of the respective stress situation(s) (stressors), we will either resolve the stressor(s), or we will consciously alter the reality of the circumstance(s), and if severe enough, we may totally deny the specific situation even exists!
   It’s quite normal experiencing anxieties when entertaining circumstances that are challenging for us.  But as a result of our ego-defense mechanisms, which create barriers, we will consciously, yet unintentionally, deny certain critical stress producing situations, thus avoiding the authentic defining factors of these situations.
   Ego-defense mechanisms are an innate phenomenon that exists within everyone, which are intended to protect us from emotional suffering.  But unfortunately, whenever we deny the reality of any stress related situation, regardless of intensity, this will create many more complications.  This brings a new issue into the equation, guilt.  And as a result of guilt, we will experience additional stress in conjunction with the stress from the situation we had denied in the first place.  (Refer to my blog on Guilt) 
   Because of our denial and with the addition of guilt, this will create an emotional void within our unconscious inner-Self.  This void will establish a phenomenon, whereby, creating emotional needs for support by which to fulfill this emotional void.  And as we acquire and accumulate more guilt, and because of our denial, this void increases, whereby, also contributing to the increasing of our emotional needs!  (Refer to my blog on Emotional Needs)
   To simplify, whenever we are in denial, we are rejecting ourselves.  As a result of this self-rejection, we will experience guilt and are creating an emotional void or empty space within our unconscious inner-Self.  This void exemplifies our failure with arriving at a realistic conclusion, by accepting the actuality of respective stress experiences in conjunction with their resolutions.  Because of this infraction, by our failing to fulfill our own personal emotional world, the only means by which to complement our emotional void, would be to demand from others for this fulfillment, thus, through emotional needs. 
   Therefore, with emotional needs, we are introducing a new monster; by becoming indoctrinated becoming conditioned on the dependency of expectations from others.  And even though this may appear to serve as a positive means by which to satisfy our emotional void, this superficial input will only be temporary, and we will be learning to become emotionally dependent on the identities (personalities) of others for our salvation.  So if we fail to complement our own emotional world, we will always be dependent on any form of external stimuli that can contribute to the pseudo temporary fulfillment of our void.  (Refer to my blog on Subliminal and Operant Conditioning)
   This pretense may serve as an immediate comfort zone, but again, only on a temporary basis though, and this is when we begin deviating from the world of reality.  And also, because of ego-defense mechanisms, this will construct an unrealistic world within our conscious mind (consciousness).  And some of these denied criteria will be unavailable from conscious observation temporarily, but with the more severe stress related situations, these may be lost forever!
   Therefore, to reiterate, it’s the stress related criteria we fear and are not capable of accepting that will be restricted from consciousness, whereby, either suppressing the reality of the responsible situation(s) into the subconscious, which will be consciously available from time to time, or repressing the stress criteria into the unconscious inner-Self, which is always inaccessible from being consciously experienced, unless through the assistance from an outside source, such as a therapist or independent friend, of whom MUST possess self-awareness!
   Suppression entails our choosing to ignore or evade less stressful situations, which will reappear within consciousness periodically, and will continue in this manner until resolved.  With repression, the quandary here is that, the explanation of the specific situation is repressed into the unconscious inner-Self, without our acknowledgement or conscious awareness.  And this is why we have psychoanalysis; retrieving the latent demons, which are hidden away, that are responsible for our misery and suffering.
   This unidentifiable and uncontrollable phenomenon begins from the time we are in our mother’s womb, up until our present juncture in life.  And this process of indoctrination is established by the positive and/or negative influences instilled into our emotional world, which formulate our identities (personalities).  And we are endowed with these properties from our parents, guardians, peers, and anyone else who may have influenced our destiny in life.
   As identified earlier, all of this hidden garbage must become exposed and examined for resolution by an independent party such as a therapist or qualified individual.  The key here is that this party must not have any biases or needs for the treated individual, and above all else, possess Self-awareness!
   What prevails with most therapists though; they will choose the easy path and identify with those renowned personalities that they feel comfortable with, and will actually imitate them.  And there are the few, who will posses the Self-awareness and fortitude to analyze the theories of others, while creating their own theories, regardless of the popularity of the respective theorist.  The litmus test here is, since there is only one true and absolute reality, this will be verified by the confirming agreement by all parties involved.
   As for myself, I have my own hypotheses on this subject; regarding the processes relating to the positive and effective analysis of the latent dynamics within an individual’s covert world, the unconscious inner-Self.
   Over the past 55 years I have associated with a myriad of professors and graduate students in the psychology field.  As previously expressed, there are those who have received an academic education in psychology, where they then may discriminately prefer a specific theorist such as Freud, Jung or Maslow, etc., whereby practicing their trade in accordance with the respective philosopher’s theories, rather than questioning them or discovering their own ideas.  And there are those others, who will experience and understand the depth of various theories, along with theories of their own.  This is how I function, philosophizing on an eclectic basis, whereby creating my own theories, which may be congruent with other theorists, or even be in extreme conflict with the great minds of the past.
   Also, it is imperative for the readers to understand that the psychology field is not a science, as it pertains to our emotions.  Emotions can never be logically or empirically analyzed through observation, studies, textbooks, etc., as it is impossible to study and memorize emotions from books or other similar means.  And creating even more confusion for most, logic and emotions will always be opposing forces, constantly in conflict with each other.  How can we be subjectively (emotionally) objective (logical), or objectively subjective, impossible! 
   The science aspect is only applicable to the psychiatric field, which is essential at times, and can be utilized in conjunction with the psychology field.  But emotional analysis is a separate entity all of its own.  I mention this because, everyone, regardless of education, socioeconomic background, nationality, etc., can become qualified assisting others with exploring their inner-world; disclosing the true and genuine reality of their identity.
   To reemphasize, when attempting to discover the authenticity of the true and genuine “reality” of our emotional world, the difficulty arises, in that, we will experience various thought and emotional processes on a conscious level, but which may be way off target from reality.  And again, because of our ego-defense mechanisms (barriers), which are involuntary and undetectable by the conscious mind (consciousness), the actual reality may be hidden from consciousness, and reside within the subconscious or the unconscious inner-Self.
   I find the unconscious inner-Self to be the most unique and intriguing phenomenon we will ever experience during our lifetime.  But investigating this unknown entity is only possible if we are truly interested and desirous with pursuing the dynamics interacting within the unconscious inner-Self.  As for myself, because of my relentless extreme duress and fear, I was forced into this latent world of the unknown.  Fortunately for me, I knew there was something lacking within my thought processes, and there had to be some answers for resolution.
   What makes my philosophies so unbelievably simple is that, it’s not that I’m intelligent, but once we’re able to thoroughly understand and experience the emotional depth of a theory, it becomes reality.  And while I have extensively studied, researched and explored my emotions, I naturally came across other outside theories identical to my own and others, whereby; validating that there is only one reality.
   And what makes theorizing (philosophizing) interesting and simple is that; no one has a patent on reality, since everyone has access to it!  It is impossible to forget reality, but we need to memorize only what is unreal, except for science and other unemotional subjects.  And it’s pretty much impossible for a number of individuals to come up with the same identical unrealistic theory or philosophy.
    I had questioned many of my colleagues on this matter, with most of them fearing their own demons; the reasoning why they were picking up paper credentials in the psychology field, hoping to relieve their pain and suffering.  Unfortunately for them, again, it is impossible to relieve emotional stress by memorizing theories from research or textbooks.
   When a student is inundated with numerous subjects and voluminous research, especially if the contents are way off target, it’s extremely difficult to be able to analyze every theory to any degree, because of the contradictions and time element.  And this drastically restricts the emotional flexibility because of their cramming, instead of actually learning and understanding, through challenging each theory in an effort to understand the genuine depth and reality of theories.
   This occurs quite frequently.  While studying and researching various theories, many students will encounter a theory (philosophy) that confuses them or creates stress for them.  But because of their needs (insecurities) to appear capable to demonstrate the ability with understanding the intended depth of a well-known and respected theorist, they will generally rationalize to themselves and others that, they fully understand the dynamics of the theories.  Since they have no clue as to what the theory is implying, the only solution is to memorize the theory.  Pretty emotional, huh?
   This is an extremely interesting phenomenon; where the studies become so overwhelming, if the student(s) were to hesitate or allow some spare time to research or examine a particular philosophy, they might get bogged down with the philosophy actually triggering and exposing one of their own personal emotional dysfunctions.  I have noticed this on numerous occasions, both while in class, and also with the professionals,
   Then there are the therapists, including uneducated individuals as well, who may have an acute degree of awareness, yet whose theories (philosophies) do not necessarily follow one particular theorist or pattern.  These theorists, as with myself, are considered as being eclectic, as their theories may or may not be congruent (in conflict) with any of the well-known theorists of the past.  The theories may coincide with some theorists, i.e. Pavlovian, Freudian, Erikson, etc., but there is no pure absolute with every theory from any one individual theorist.
   The sad thing about theory acceptance within the academia environment, which is nothing more than philosophies, some individuals, who have never pursued a formal education, may reveal excellent and simplistic philosophies that are not acceptable by the faction of the so-called intellectual (erudite) community.  It’s very difficult for extremely overly educated individuals to be humble (secure) so as to learn from outside of their click of the so-called elite, and especially if the theorist is considered illiterate, i.e. non-credentialed.
   The key for proper psychoanalysis is, for therapists first gaining an acute degree of awareness of their own personal inner-Self.  It is of paramount necessity for them having the capacity with understanding and being free of most of their emotional inhibitions and emotional needs.  The therapists must be capable with feeling the feelings of the emotions of themselves and others, which the clients themselves will not even be aware of.  This leads to the assistance with helping individuals bring out repressed feelings that had been hidden away within the unconscious inner-Self.
   If therapists fail with having a healthy understanding of their own personal feelings, how in the world could they be capable with getting into the emotional depth of someone else’s personal world?  Therapists will only be capable with getting into a client’s emotional world, to the depth of their own personal emotional interactions and Self-awareness.
   The desired resultant for proper psychoanalysis is, for the clients, whom I refer to as students, learning how to become their own mentors (analysts).  It is IMPOSSIBLE to be able to develop Self-aware on our own.  There MUST be an unbiased party conducting the counseling, who is aware and has no needs for or from the client.  Thus, the instructing person must have previously successfully achieved Self-awareness.  And above all else, therapists must not attempt to save individuals, but to assist the clients with saving themselves.
   There cannot be genuine Self-psychoanalysis unless we first gain Self-awareness.  The purpose for psychoanalysis from someone other is that, we will ALWAYS prevaricate and lie to ourselves.  This is why it is essential for an unbiased and emotionally qualified individual (not necessarily academically paper credentialed) to instill and motivate clients to become self-motivated and self-challenging.
   The therapists must be capable with motivating clients with having the freedom and courage to be able to challenge and disagree with them, the therapist.  The therapists must also be able to control and manipulate the emotions of the clients.  It is necessary for the client to become dependent on the therapist, whereby removing the dependency from him or herself.  This might seem to be negative, but the underlying purpose is for the therapists having sufficient control over the client’s emotions, as again, clients will always lie to themselves in an effort to hide from the suffering that motivated them to go to the therapist in the first place.  And also of interest, the client may be lying about something that didn’t even occur.  Sometimes clients will do almost anything for attention.  (Refer to my article on Control and Manipulation)
   This might be hard to appreciate, but most clients will seek out a therapist who is as emotionally lost as they are.  On a conscious level, the clients may truly believe they want help, but with the unconscious inner-Self having control over the conscious mind, the ego-defenses will kick-in.  With this phenomenon, clients will feel more comfortable with only the therapists who have not achieved Self-awareness, unconsciously knowing that the therapist is not capable with uncovering the stressor situations (stressors) responsible for the anxieties and suffering.  (Refer to my article on Stress/Anger Conflicts)
   This is how ego-defenses function.  The ego-defenses serve as an emotional blockade.  This prevents the conscious mind from experiencing the stressor situations responsible for the stress.  As a result of not being consciously capable with identifying the reason(s) responsible for the anxieties, and depending on the severity of the respective stressor(s), the actual stressor will be either suppressed into the subconscious, or repressed into the unconscious.
   The conundrum here though, with this scenario, even though ego-defenses provide individuals with instant emotional protection, the stress and anxieties will continue to remain, unless resolved.
   It’s sort of a dammed if you do, damned if you don’t situation.  Since stress situations (stressors) create stress and anxieties, to deny or procrastinate resolving the stressor, the stress will still be with us.  So even though ego-defenses are designed to protect us from emotional suffering, with the stressor possibly being hidden from the conscious mind, the stress and anxieties will continue.
   If the stressor is in the subconscious, the stressor will pop into the conscious mind from time to time.  But if a stressor had been repressed into the unconscious, the identifying of the specific stressor will be extremely more difficult bringing to the surface (conscious mind). 
      As with lying to ourselves, to reiterate, because of ego-defenses, any stressor we fear facing, and we’re unable to consciously accept and acknowledge, will be either suppressed into the subconscious, or repressed into the unconscious.  These ego-defense mechanisms (barriers) are designed to protect us from emotional discomfort, but will actually contribute to our dilemma.  Since, should we fail to resolve the stressor(s) creating the stress, unfortunately, our protective ego-defense mechanisms will actually create guilt; adding even more new stress.
   The thing I find adventurous about psychoanalysis or psychotherapy is; no one has a patent or a guidebook.  Every one of us, individually, is responsible for his or her own emotional mess, regardless of who may have designed or put us in our predicament.  This doesn’t imply that we’re responsible for attempting to conquer the devastation on our own, but we must have the courage and desire to admit to ourselves that maybe something could be wrong.  Once we reach this point, then we can seek out assistance from someone we can truly trust, and not be able to manipulate.
   Everyone is qualified to become a philosopher and/or therapist, regardless of his or her academic background.  I also believe the terms therapy and counseling are condescending and suppressing.  It implies that the therapist is superior to the client.  I myself, have used the term client, but refer to individuals as students, whereby teaching them the philosophy of psychology.   ***********
   It seems many theorists cling to the theories they had studied and memorized from previous credentialed professionals such as Freud, Jung, Erickson, Maslow, etc., and without anyone even questioning or challenging their philosophies.  What’s really confusing is that, what if most of the theories are unreal, or possibly even detrimental?  It is impossible to truly understand someone else’s theories, unless they are genuine (reality) and we have a sufficient degree of awareness in order to be able to understand the emotional depth of the respective theory.  Then and only then, will we ever be able to determine if a theorist is on target or not; as again, there is only one reality.
   I’ve come across many individuals in the past who were involved in the psychology field, who truly thought they believed and understood the theories of past philosophers, i.e.… Freud, etc.  But again, it’s not possible to understand the depth of any theory purported by others, unless the philosophies are genuine and we have first achieved Self-awareness.
   It is impossible to understand the depth of someone else’s theories, if we need to memorize them.  An excellent example involves the students in the psychology field; how can someone memorize something emotional; impossible!  If we are unable to experience our genuine feelings and need to memorize something emotional, most likely it’s either unreal or we’re unaware.  And on the flip side, how could we forget what’s real?
   One of the greatest fears therapists will ever encounter, both on conscious and unconscious levels are, attempting to apply what they have digested throughout their educational pursuits, while not totally understanding the depth of the various theories.  And the greater the paper credentials of an individual, the greater the number of theories to memorize, whereby, the greater the accumulation of junk, thereby, the greater the potential for greater stress.
   Also of interest, those individuals with lesser or even no paper credentials, more than not, will look up to the higher credentialed individuals as being superior to them.  The phenomenal thing about this is that, those individual’s having accomplished Self-awareness, and with lesser credentials, or even no paper credentials at all, will actually be superior to those with extreme credentials. They will only respect others in this field, to the degree of their Self-awareness and dynamics; with no relevance on paper credentials.
   As with almost any career, academia is essential. Following an individual’s education, whether a bachelor’s degree, masters or doctorate, individuals will enter into their chosen field applying what they have memorized and retained, in conjunction with learning on the job.
   With the psychology field, the education stresses theories and research from previous theorists from both the psychology and psychiatric schools of thought.  Psychiatrists are geared toward the physiological aspect (endogeny), whereas psychologists concentrate on the external environment (exogeny) affecting an individual. 
   The psychiatric field will focus on an individual’s physiological disorders, which I believe can stem from both internal and/or external stimuli.  With the psychology field, the basis for therapy entails an individual’s past history, which stems from prior classical conditioning.
    Everyone is psychothymic, meaning everyone is mild manic-depressive.  Mood swings affect everyone, and in varying degrees. It’s when emotional moods go beyond moderation; this is when individuals become neurotic.  And the degree of the neurosis will depend if or not an individual should pursue counseling. 
   Unfortunately, many individuals will refrain from outside help, mostly because of societal pressures.  Mental illnesses are considered abnormal, whereby most individuals will hide this secret from others.  And because of barriers (ego-defenses), many are actually able to hide this secret from themselves.  These individuals are easy to read though, because of their subliminal expression of their feelings.
   With getting back to a formal education and of great interest, if someone is in the psychology studies program and has achieved Self-awareness, how could he or she dedicate an extreme amount of time researching someone else’s research of someone else’s research, and so on.  To put it simply, how could anyone emotionally experience the research of others if it is just speculation and guesswork? 
   This is the problem with academia in the psychology field today.  It’s impossible to authenticate a theory, unless we have actually lived and experienced the theory fully.  Just think how many different theories there are that have been examined through research, and how does anyone really know which one is on target.  This is why I have found most research; absolutely putrefying!
   It’s interesting how many theorists and experimental psychologists have documented their beliefs and findings through empirical studies and evaluation, and yet, with very few in agreement with one another.  Are they are trying to glorify themselves by creating a new theory that no one else had ever thought of.
   I have found most theorists, as being way off target, as again, there is only one reality.  How come most of the theorists are in conflict with one another?  Why don’t they confer with one another to discover the reality of a specific theory for their own personal growth?  Is it their ego driving them?  Are they seeking answers for their own depressions?  Is it a safe means by which to hide their emotions from others; as why would anyone challenge a highly academically (erudite) credentialed psychologist who must know everything about his or her own personal inner-emotions?
   Also of great interest regarding this subject, many scholars will confuse logic with emotions.  This occurs because of their lack of awareness and the need for a convenient answer.  It’s got to be extremely frustrating attempting to identify with a theory, and when lacking Self-awareness.  This is when most academics will rely on logic views rather than attempting to understand the emotional aspect. 
   Logic and emotions will always be in conflict, and the difficulty entails 

Understanding the Psyche
   The psyche is a very complex and difficult phenomenon to truly understand.  But once we’re able to truly experience our inner-Self, the dynamics will make a lot of sense; thus our conquering the simplicity we had lost and hidden from for so many years.
   From my own personal experiences with the Psyche, we must first be capable with feeling how we genuinely feel about something; the ability to feel how we genuinely feel.  We must be capable with emotionally experiencing reality ourselves, ignoring external influences and, without rationalizing how we need to feel about something because of emotional discomfort.
   Everyone has layers of barriers (ego-defenses) that are designed to prevent experiencing stressors and insecurities affecting the conscious mind. These barriers will develop during our lifetime, and without our knowing, and will accumulate and become reinforced as we fail to resolve the respective stress issues (stressors).
   To ever be able to regain our sanity, it is imperative to resolve the issues creating our anxieties, thus eliminating the need for our ego-defenses to activate. Our goal in life should be attempting to experience our inner-feelings (Psyche) of who we truly are, and not as we have a need to believe.
   Resolving various stress producing conditions will give us the confidence for us to be able to delve deeper into our Psyche.  And again, as we break through these various layers of barriers, this will reinforce us to have the courage to work with other and future issues.  And with each level we conquer, we will be that much more emotionally strengthened to be able to consciously accept future stressors, and also become more secure with our present existence (existentialism).
   Only the conscious mind will lie to us; the unconscious never lies.  But unfortunately, we’re unable to logically retrieve what we have repressed into the unconscious.  Only someone with an acute degree of Self-awareness, can achieve assisting with bringing repressed (hidden) stressors into the conscious mind. 
   This becomes very difficult for those therapists dependent on emotional concerns or the income from the various clients.

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