Control and Manipulation

  Control and Manipulation

   Those individuals pursuing others for dominance are generally the ones who are in extreme conflict with their own personal emotional world.  As a result of their own internal trepidation, and the incapability with identifying their own personal unique identity, they learn how to survive (exist) in life by intruding into the personal emotional world of anyone vulnerable enough to participate. 
   The rationale for controlling and manipulating others is almost always designed for personal gain; through attempting to influence and condition a selected group of individuals to fulfill their personal emotional needs (void).  (Refer to my articles on Classical and Operant Conditioning, and Emotional Needs)
   Control and manipulation will almost always be conceived with the intent of suppressing and intimidating the emotions of someone other for selfish motives.  Unclear to most, no one can be emotionally intimidated; but as a result of suppression and prior classical conditioning, we learn to become self-intimidating.
   No one can actually be emotionally intimidated, but as a result of prior indoctrination (conditioning), we learn how to respond to the dictating dynamics from others, whereby inhibiting our emotions, consequently intimidating ourselves; thus self-intimidation.
   What occurs in some instances, suppressed individuals will actually be less inferior than the controlling parties.  But because of emotional needs, possibly the fear of loneliness, or the fear of offending or destroying a relationship, they will deny the reality of the situation.
   Everyone will experience emotional needs, and depending on the degree of an individual’s insecurities, will determine to the extent he or she will attempt to suppress others, or to be allowed to be suppressed, or the reciprocity of both; as a contrivance by which to fulfill his or her emotional needs.
   Emotionally vulnerable individuals will normally submit to dominant appearing (acting-out) individuals, because of their latent insecurities.  This is a psychosomatic event, which incorporates both overt and/or covert (subliminal) behavior by all parties.  Conversely, insecure individuals will always feel inadequate and uncomfortable around those who are truly secure within their own personal emotional world.
   The projected goal for pseudo dominant individuals is to overpower (control and manipulate) the emotions of others, as a means by which to induce them to succumb to their posturing and simulated prowess.  These individuals almost always include politicians, actors/actresses, business icons, etc., and basically anyone pursuing endeavors for recognition.
   One interesting phenomenon I commonly observe is; how would these over-achievers (out of moderation) react if there were no audiences?  Also, I truly believe that if an endeavor is not productive for an individual’s personal emotional advantage, the emotional high will eventually dissipate.  As with any profession that offers superficial rewards, the so-called emotional experience can never last.  Only when we emotionally mature will we no longer have needs for audiences, whereby becoming our own audience.
   The problem with today’s society is that, myself included, though only for a brief period, most of us are indoctrinated (conditioned) pursuing goals for financial, prominence or other superficial rewards, rather than for personal emotional achievements.  Unfortunately, most everyone has been indoctrinated learning how to live to work, rather than working to live.
   The behavior, both overtly objective and subliminally subjective, articulated by monetarily and status driven individuals, can become extremely insidious, while still appearing honorable and captivating.  And this scenario transpires without any of the parties consciously distinguishing as to who is attempting to control whom, or even that they’re participating in this fruitless scenario!  (Refer to my article on Subjectivity vs. Objectivity)
   The conquest for superiority is objectively (logically) calculated, but always subjectively (emotionally) motivated.  But this need for gaining control (superiority) over others is just a fantasy, which will always continue as a superficial and never-ending undertaking.  And again, since these endeavors are never truly authentic, there can never be everlasting emotional rewards, or even cessation.      
   There is no such thing as achieving superiority over others; it’s just that there are those who feel inferior to some.  It’s the individuals who are secure and comfortable with their own personal identities who are truly superior within their own confines, yet never requiring presenting themselves as such, or by dominating or controlling others for acknowledgement and approval.
   As with the term arrogance, self-doubting individuals will act-out and make attempts at appearing to be secure and superior to others.  Whereas, with those who are truly confident with their internal emotional environment, will normally radiate positive genuineness, whereby revealing genuine arrogance, but resented by those needing to be and pretending to be arrogant.  
   The term arrogance conveys negative connotations in today’s society.  Everyone in today’s society is indoctrinated believing that arrogance represents a lack of consideration for others, but this is farther from the truth.  Genuine arrogance signifies self-confidence and inner-emotional tranquility (simplicity), and without needs for infringing on or demanding approval from others.      
   Also, truly self-confident individuals will never be offended when accused of arrogance or conceitedness.  Whereas, with pseudo arrogant individuals, they will pretend being distinguishing and extroverted, but in actually, are always emotionally guarded and defensive (inhibitions).  And this is the reason why these individuals will always seek out and only appeal to emotionally confused audiences.
   This façade becomes a clandestine alliance among all participants, with everyone oblivious to the emotional feelings of one another, whereby, with all interaction requiring very little demands or challenges.  Whereas with self-confident individuals, there will always be dynamic and productive dialogue, and with total genuineness.
   And if the participant’s displaying the aforementioned simulated posturing, and including the respondents, had the slightest inkling as to what was taking place, the complexities would be too overwhelming and perplexing for any of them to consciously digest.  This transpires not just because of their apprehension or exposure of the pretense, but primarily, the helplessness and fear with not knowing what to do with themselves should the dynamics become apparent.
   As where would the audiance go without someone to be addicted to or dependent on?  They would be stuck within their own complicated world floundering around seeking anyone appearing more dynamic than they are: politicians and other ideology robots?  (Refer to my article on Dependency, Co-dependency, Independency and Interdependency)
   And this is where the involuntary dynamics of ego-defense mechanisms come into play: restriction from consciously comprehending the dynamics of specific imaginary situations.  (Refer to my article on Ego-Defense Mechanisms)
   At a very early stage in life everyone is indoctrinated learning how to achieve his or her objectives, through domination (suppression) and/or submission, which then develops into a conditioning process.  Unbeknownst to most, submission is another, yet incredibly effective course of action by which to control and manipulate others.
   This passive dysfunctional emotional manipulation process entails one individual establishing a pretext by which to convince a designated party to believe that he or she is in control, in essence, controlling and manipulating the emotions of the other individual. 
   This contrivance takes place with the one individual manipulating the other party, which is designed for the sole purpose of influencing the other party believing having control over the instigator; totally for the initiators personal advantage (submission).  And this occurs without either party consciously comprehending the intentions or implications of the dynamics of the deception.
   To further explain, although the projected objective appears for the other individual to be the controlling and manipulating force, the subliminal (unconscious inner-Self) intentions are actually premeditated to control and manipulate this other individual who has been positioned as the controlling party.  (Refer to my article on Consciousness, Subconscious and Unconscious inner-Self)
   In most circumstances, the motive for this reverse controlling (conditioning), is to serve as an emotional and/or financial sanctuary for the individual(s) appearing to have been subjugated. 
   Those individuals possessing low self-esteem and establishing dependency on others for their emotional security rely on this strategy of control and manipulation.   This includes an extreme assortment of circumstances; including families, marriages, dating, friendships, employment, education, etc.
   And if any of the individuals were to consciously comprehend the dynamics of this emotional interactive pretense, the game would go askew.  And the individuals with the lesser degree of Self-awareness, thus greater insecurities and more effective ego-defense mechanisms, will always be the ones to respond defensively. 
   One means of emotional refuge might involve an individual physically remaining, while in actuality, emotionally withdrawing; or by total abandonment, both emotionally and physically.   But with either scenario, positioning the culpability on the other individual(s) for destroying the superficial relationship.
   When referring to emotionally withdrawing, I’m implying the inhibition of the feelings of an individual’s emotions.  This form of defense, although without the subject’s conscious awareness, and which results because of ego-defense mechanisms, restricts the individual’s feelings from disclosure to everyone.  
   And all of this garbage and pretense takes place because of emotional needs and classical conditioning.  But for this fiasco to materialize, all participants must be anesthetized of their own internal feelings, whereby, always having an attraction for anyone similarly emotionally fearful. 
   This chaotic interaction requires at least two or more individuals attempting to engulf one another, whereby, sucking the emotional energy from one another (reciprocity) in an effort to fulfill the void within his or her isolated world.  And to the degree these individuals have needs to control and manipulate others, or be controlled is, to the degree they have very little, if any, understanding and self-awareness of their own personal emotional world (void).
   Or on a more consciously stressful level, individuals may become obsessive by pursuing extreme external endeavors and activities, such as vocations, sports, etc.  But basically, any perpetual and arduous methods by which to consume their time and energy, and to be able to consciously evade the various stress producing situations (stressors) they are unaware of and are rebelling against.  And the individual’s stress levels will determine to the extent of the diversions.  (Refer to my article on Stress/Anger Conflicts)
   Most everyone will utilize various avenues of behavior, both physically and/or emotionally, to avoid confronting their prevailing stress.  And again, even though the respective goals may appear to be objectively preferable, they will always be subjectively motivated.  It is impossible to be objectively subjective, yet there are some individuals who are capable with being subjectively objective. 
   The ultimate escape from consciously experiencing uncontrollable stress would necessitate an individual totally losing contact with reality, while still believing and appearing functional to others; but only to those who are also out of touch with reality.  But this would involve conscious processing only; with the subconscious and the unconscious inner-Self still being utilized for the accumulation of suppressed and repressed stressors that were denied for conscious acceptance. 
   These individuals will have experienced extreme loss of affect and conscious awareness of most of their memories, both positive and negative, which is similar to having received electric shock therapy EST.  It is my conviction that this emotional quandary may have a significant correlation with cerebral dementia and Alzheimer’s.
   The only constructive option for these personalities would be to seek out some form of assistance to help identify the causations, before there can ever be any resolution with the existing stress-producing conditions.  Without resolution, the culprits responsible for the stress will always be hidden within the subconscious or the unconscious inner-Self, in conjunction with the prevailing stress.
   Even though the term “control and manipulation” implies negative connotations, the one circumstance where it would be beneficial is, in the arena of psychoanalysis.  The objective here would be for the counselor or an interdependent and loyal friend, to serve as a mentor and become a catalyst, whereby motivating and instructing the individual who is struggling with his or her emotional conflicts.  (Refer to my book transcript on Psychoanalysis)
   Individuals requiring emotional guidance necessitate their becoming dependent on someone whom they can trust, and who is extremely simple (Self-awareness).  Since the prospective client will always be emotionally distraught to some degree, and more than likely possessing negligible self-motivation with achieving emotional independence, it is imperative for an impartial (independent) party to influence and assist with evolving his or her emotions.
   For this process to be successful, the client must be controlled and manipulated to a point where he or she becomes totally dependent on the party doing the counseling!
   The preferred outcome is for the client to achieve a sufficient degree of self-awareness, whereby becoming confident and comfortable with challenging the counseling party (mentor).  Also, and of greater significance, the client eventually developing the courage and self-assurance to vigorously confront his or her own personal internal demons.
    Everything we do or say in life is either positive or negative, and in varying degrees.  And should the counseling party’s intentions not be admirable, he or she will experience extreme guilt, whereby, also requiring therapy.  (Refer to my article on Guilt) 
   I’ve actually observed many therapists, who, because of their dysfunctional personalities and survival needs (financial and egotistical), actually requiring more counseling than the clients they’re presumed to be assisting.  
   The most fascinating thing about control and manipulation is, with those participating; none of the parties having any concept as to what’s transpiring or what the motivational issues are.  And what makes this so intriguing is that, because of emotional needs and ego-defense mechanisms, the authenticity of situations will always get lost in the translation; which begins with the initial overt and subliminal emotional interaction.
                              90 % completion
 Additions and revisions required

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